IEEEXtreme – Call for Student Ambassador Program 2019

- Posted by Vijay S Paul
- Posted in Education, International, News, R10 Today
IEEEXtreme – Call for Student Ambassador Program 2019
IEEEXtreme Student Ambassador program gives you a chance to work with an international team of highly motivated volunteers in sharing the enjoyments of coding at Xtreme.
Roles, Responsibility & Outcomes:
1. Take part in the IEEEXtreme Micro Volunteering Challenges i.e Micro Activities that excites you to be part of the IEEEXtreme team as an Ambassador.
2. Reach out to Colleges, Universities, IEEE Student Branches and IEEE Student & Professional Members to take part in IEEEXtreme Programming Competition.
3. Assist IEEE Members in hosting IEEEXtreme Programming Competition in their respective student branch and also supporting Non-IEEE Student Branch Members in finding a suitable venue for Participation
4. Host Seminars, Pre-Workshops, Training Programs and Recruitment Drive about IEEEXtreme in Universities/Colleges.
5. Identify and Assist the students those who require support and guidance on any information related to IEEEXtreme
6. Coordinate all the teams under one roof and provide proper support during the event.
7. Must connect the student members who are in search for Proctor (Professional Member)
8. Take part in Volunteer Training Webinars and Post-Webinar Activities for increased learning and outcome.
Key Outcomes:
1. Increased knowledge about IEEE & IEEEXtreme Programming Competition
2. New Member Connections & Global Networking Experience with IEEE Members
3. Leadership, Organising and Managerial Skills etc.
Submit request at:
Only ONE Ambassador per IEEE Student Branch will be selected.
In case of any queries, contact
Gabriel ElÃas Paredes Mendoza
Public Relations Lead
IEEEXtreme 13.0
Know more about IEEEXtreme: | | @IEEEXtreme |
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