IEEE Membership No. :94054580IEEE Section :IslamabadSection
IEEE Membership No. :94040757IEEE Section :Kerala
IEEE Membership No. :96230804IEEE Section :China
Bio :Haohui Long (SM'10) recieved the Ph.D degree from National Univeristy of Singapore,in 2006.,He recieved his B.S. and M.S degrees from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China in 1999 and 2002, respectively. From 2002 to 2005, He was a research asssistant at Dept. of ECE, NUS and A*STAR Data Storage...IEEE Membership No. :41598528IEEE Section :中国
Bio :Chair, LMAG Kerala SectionIEEE Membership No. :04136065IEEE Section :Trivandrum
IEEE Membership No. :04250742IEEE Section :Western Australian Section
IEEE Membership No. :92867462IEEE Section :kolkata
Bio :Dr. Hasan Ali Khattak received his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering degree from Politecnico di Bari, Bari, Italy in April 2015, Master's degree in Information Engineering from Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy, in 2011, and B.CS. degree in Computer Science from University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan in 2006. He...IEEE Membership No. :94008815IEEE Section :Islamabad R00091
Bio :Những thông tin thú vị khi in tem hợp quy CR In tem hợp quy CR là một trong những loại tem đặc biệt được nhiều khách hàng yêu thích và lựa chọn sử dụng. Nếu như mới lần đầu nghe đến loại tem này, chắc hẳn bạn sẽ có...
IEEE Membership No. :93699219IEEE Section :IEEE Bangalore Section