R10 Young professionals Student-YP Join Activity Fund

Dear IEEE Young Professionals Leaders,

With the intention of improving the Young Professionals and Student Members Collaboration, the IEEE R10 Young Professionals would like to call for the Young Professionals Affinity Groups of each section to submit a proposal for the Student -Y P Join Activity Fund 2021.

Proposals submitted by the Young Professionals Affinity Group must fulfill all the criteria in order to be eligible for the grant. The activities could be organized in any format including Face-to-Face, Virtual or Hybrid.

The activity must be in alignment with IEEE R10 Young Professionals Committee goals and may include any of the following:

ㅤㅤ•ㅤCareer Development Activities (Career Fair/Workshops/Industry Forums)
ㅤㅤ•ㅤCoaching on Further Study After Graduation
ㅤㅤ•ㅤEntrepreneurship Activities/Workshops

Important Dates:

  • Deadline for Proposal Submission: 1st April 2021
  • Announcement of Results: 15 April 2021
  • Duration Given to Organize Activities: 15th April – 15th June 2021

Fore More Details of the submission, please visit the link below:

R10 Young Professionals Student-YP Joint Activity Fund

For enquiries, please contact us through the email:

#ieeer10yp #ieeer10yp21

Author: Akarsh

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