IEEE SIGHT #COVID19 Special Project Funding

- Posted by Vijay S Paul
- Posted in International, R10 Today
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world in an unprecedented manner, and as such, HAC has adapted its requirements to better enable IEEE volunteers to contribute. For that reason, HAC and SIGHT (Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology) Projects have joined forces to prioritise proposals that have a strong potential for immediate impact in the fight against COVID-19. Ideally, projects will have good connections with local IEEE OUs and engage a significant number of IEEE members.
Rolling Submission until until 01 June 2020.
Proposals may be submitted at any time and will be reviewed continuously through 01 June. An expedited review process will allow selected projects to get started right away.
Currently, turnaround time is generally one week or less from submission to decision.
To apply, visit:
Congratulations to  IEEE Hyderabad Section, IEEE Madras Section & IEEE Sri Lanka Section for securing the first round of project funding.