Registrations for IEEE Sections Congress 2020 OPEN!

- Posted by Vijay S Paul
- Posted in International, News, R10 Today
Registration for IEEE Sections Congress 2020 is now open at :
IEEE Section Congress will be held on Aug 21-23, 2020, in Ottawa, Canada.
IEEE Sections Congress is the triennial flagship event hosted by IEEE that brings together the grassroot leadership of IEEE from every member country so that they can share ideas, concerns & solutions. through the congress, we aspire to create an environment for all the delegates to explore how IEEE can better serve its members, both now & going forward.
Distinguished IEEE personnel , academics & industry leaders will grace the event which will be held from 21st to 23rd August, 2020 in Ottawa, Canada. The event will provide an ideal platform for industries who are looking to make a mark on the global stage.
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