IEEE R10 SYWL CONGRESS, BALI, 30 Aug – 2 Sept, 2018

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IEEE Region 10 Students/Young Professionals/Women in Engineering/Life Member (SYWL) Congress 2018
IEEE R10 SYWL Congress 2018 has been a great success on 30 August-2 September 2018, at Prime Plaza Hotel, Sanur – Bali, Indonesia. This Congress is a biannual event and was attended by over 300 delegates. The Congress was attended by the representatives from other Regions apart from delegates from 50 sections of Region 10. The details are:
1. 250+ delegates from 50 Sections in Region 10 (Asia Pacific)
2. Region 1 (Northeastern US), represented by John Day, Director of Member Products and Programs
3. Region 2 (Eastern US), attended by Jeff Eker, R2 Young Professionals Chair
4. Region 3 (Southern US), attended by Subodha Charles as a representative of IEEE IAS
5. Region 5 (Southwestern US), attended by James Jefferies, IEEE President
6. Region 7 (Canada), attended by Dr. Maike Luiken, IEEE Region 7 Director
7. Region 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East), attended by Dr. Rafal Sliz (IEEE Young Professionals Global Chair); Flavia Dinca (IEEE Young Professionals Vice Chair); Shashank Gaur as a representative of IEEE COMSOC
The theme of the Congress is Collaborative Innovation for Society Development.
The objective of this Congress is to provide a platform for IEEE volunteers from different Sections for networking and sharing experiences as well as to train the volunteers about IEEE activities, best practices and methodologies. The participants take the information from the Congress to their respective Sections for implementing future strategies and training of other local volunteers.
The Congress was inaugurated by the IEEE President and CEO, James Jefferies and he was assisted by a robot making the inauguration unique and memorable. Following dignitaries attended and the opening ceremony along with the participants and volunteers.
1. IEEE President, James Jefferies
2. IEEE Region 7 Director, Dr. Maike Luiken
3. Ministry of Youth & Sports of the Republic of Indonesia, represented by Deputy of Youth Empowerment Sector, State Minister for Youth & Sport Affairs, Prof. Dr. Faisal Abdullah
4. Leader of Education, Youth, and Sport Office of Bali, Tia Kusuma Wardhani
5. Mayor of Denpasar City, Ida Bagus Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra, SE, M.Si
6. Director of Oracle Academy for Asia Pacific and Japan, Damian Haas
7. Country Manager of Oracle Academy for Indonesia and Malaysia, Nurul Huda
16 sponsors that participated in this year Congress
A. GOLD Sponsor:
1. ORACLE Academy
2. IEEE Young Professionals
3. IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee
B. SILVER sponsor:
1. IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES): Hassaan Idrees
2. IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS): Subodha Charles
3. IEEE Collabratec: John Day
4. IEEE Communications Society (COMSOC)
BRONZE sponsors:
1. iCon+, Indonesia
2. IEEE Region 10 Strategic Planning
3. IEEE Region 10 Industry Relations
4. IEEE Region 10 Individual Benefits & Services
5. IEEE Educational Activities Board
6. IEEE Region 10 Educational Activities
7. Udayana University
8. Student Branch Udayana University
9. WIE Affinity Group Udayana University
And also thank you to Phenom Indonesia as our media event partner.
Highlights of Program:
1. Panel Session – ‘Bridging the gap between the Industry, Academia and Government’
1. Jim Jefferies, IEEE President & CEO
2. Prof. Akinori Nishihara, IEEE R10 Director-elect
3. Dr. Jumain Appe, Director General of Innovation Strengthening, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia
4. Mr. Ery Punta Hendraswara, Managing Director of Indigo Creative Nation, Telkom Indonesia.
1. Dr. Endang, Agency for Assessment & Application of Technology, Indonesia
During the panel session, several issues were discussed related to the challenges of bridging the gap between the industry, academia and government. The panelists shared their experiences as leaders in their respective domains on how to enable impactful university-industry-government partnerships. Participants had the chance to interact with the panelist and raised issues for discussion.
2. Awarding Night
Some Region 10 awards were given from respective category at the Awards Night by Student Coordinators, Young Professionals Coordinators, and Women in Engineering Coordinators.
3. Parallel Sessions
Various parallel sessions were organized for Students, YPs, WIE and Life Members. Life Members very enthusiastically participated in the Congress.
4. Panel Discussion
A panel discussion on Technologies and Industrial needs of 4th Industrial Revolution are our students and young professionals ready to join the pace’ was organized with following panelists, and the session was moderated by Amit Kumar, Member – IEEE MGA IEEE Strategic Planning Committee.
Toshio Fukuda, Past Region 10 Director
Akinori Nishihara, Region 10 Director-Elect
Deepak Mathur, Region 10 Vice Chair of Membership Activities
5. Cultural Night & Exhibition at SYWL Congress 2018
This Congress hosted a Multi-Cultural Exhibition on the evening of 1st September. All representing IEEE Sections at the Congress were invited to showcase their activities and culture. IEEE President, IEEE Region 10 Director, other dignitories and all participants went around the stalls interacted and enjoyed different cultures. Two best stalls were awarded. This cultural exhibition was followed by a Multi-Cultural Performance to showcase their culture witnessed by all.
6. Mini IEEE Region 10 EXCOM meeting
A meeting was conducted by the Region 10 Director to review the activities of Region 10 with following agenda.
• Report on the Current Status
• Evaluation and Incentive
• Discussion: Strategy to Evaluate Sections and Incentive Methodology
All participating Region 10 EXCOM members made a short presentation of their activities.